"GACHIP" is the nickname for the Georgia Child Identification Program, one of the most innovative and comprehensive child recovery, identification, and abduction awareness programs ever to be offered to parents in Georgia.  The program has been very successful, identifying thousands of youngsters, and has been stepped up even more.
    Since 2004, Freemasons (Masons) from various state jurisdictions in the United States, and in several Canadian provinces have sponsored Masonic CHIP events.
    At a CHIP event, Freemasons set up the equipment, and enlist the aid of local volunteers, as necessary, to generate completed child identification kits.
    Each child progresses through several stations taking about 10 to 15 minutes for the entire process.  The recorded information is presented to the child's parent or guardian to take home for safekeeping.  All information is confidential and GACHIP retains nothing but the permission form when the kit is completed and given to the parents.
    The mission of the GACHIP program is to raise public awareness concerning the risk of abduction or exploitation that our children now face in today's society.  This mission is accomplished by conducting GACHIP events throughout our state.
    For more, you can visit two websites: (1) GACHIP's site at www.gachip.org, or (2) the Georgia Grand Lodge's pages at: http://www.glofga.org/gachip.html.  You may also talk with your Lodge's DDGM or MELD Officer, and they'll tell you about GACHIP.

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